FRED will cease publication of St. Louis monetary base and reserves data contained in three releases: St. Louis Weekly Reserves and Monetary Base, St. Louis Bi-Weekly Reserves and Monetary Base, and St. Louis Monthly Reserves and Monetary Base. We direct your attention to an excellent alternative source of monetary base and reserves data: the Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and the Monetary Base published by the Board of Governors. We believe this release includes all the relevant information about economic activity found in the series we are discontinuing. Notes for individual data series contain more details to assist you with a transition to potential substitutes, such as the one noted above. FRED’s final updates to the series in question will occur on Dec. 19, 2019 (St. Louis Weekly Reserves and Monetary Base and St. Louis Bi-Weekly Reserves and Monetary Base) and Dec. 20, 2019 (St. Louis Monthly Reserves and Monetary Base).