From Economic Synopses: The risk of default for oil-producing economies.
From Economic Synopses: Reasons why more of the labor force is employed but less capacity is being used—plus related FRED data.
From Economic Synopses: Decreased labor force + increased elderly population = slower economic growth?
From Economic Synopses: Areas with large declines in house values also had large declines in employment.
From Economic Synopses: “Too Big To Fail” has some consequences that may not be so obvious.
Economic Synopses describes why deficits are expected to persist and debt is projected to grow.
Lawrence H. Summers gave the 2016 Homer Jones Memorial Lecture on “Secular Stagnation and Monetary Policy.”
Our Annual Report for 2015 looks at new directions in monetary policy, with messages from our Bank president and chair of the board of directors and a look at our work and our people.
In the latest Review: Despite global growth, few developing countries make progress catching up to the income levels in the U.S. or other advanced economies.
From Economic Synopses: Tighter lending standards pushed down loan growth during the 2007-09 recession.