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FRED Adds New Census Poverty Data

FRED has added 52 data series for the U.S. Census Income and Poverty data release.

The new series show the poverty status of different groups of people and families, organized by their type of family relationship, age, and type of family. The official poverty measure, in use since the 1960s, defines poverty by comparing pretax income to a poverty threshold that is adjusted by family composition. More details are available here.

Posted in FRED Announcements

We’ve Updated Our Terms of Use: Action Requested      

Dear FRED users,

We’ve updated our Terms of Use, which govern the services and content we provide.

As part of this update, we’re conducting a routine verification of email addresses associated with FRED accounts to ensure they’re current and valid. We kindly ask you to review the email address you use to log in to your FRED account. Accounts with invalid email addresses will be terminated after July 2024.

Here are some of the changes to the Terms of Use for easy reference:

  • Prohibition to use FRED® Services or FRED® Content in connection with the development or training of any software program or system or machine learning, including, but not limited to, large language models, deep learning, generative artificial intelligence, or any other program or process commonly known as artificial intelligence.
  • Prohibition to use the FRED® API to access any part of FRED® Services or FRED® Content to which you do not have authorization or permission to access or for which the Bank has prohibited or revoked your access, including through termination of your FRED® account.
  • Prohibition to use the FRED® API to access FRED® Services or FRED® Content in connection with the development or training of any software program or system or machine learning, including, but not limited to, large language models, deep learning, generative artificial intelligence, or any other program or process commonly known as artificial intelligence.
  • Prohibition to use the FRED® API in connection with storing, caching, or archiving any portion of FRED® Services or FRED® Content; providing any stored, cached, or archived portion of FRED® Services or FRED® Content to any third party; or incorporating any FRED® Content in any database, compilation, archive, cache, or other medium.
  • Prohibition to use the FRED® API to engage in the wholesale downloading or accessing of FRED® Services or FRED® Content in violation of the FRED® Services Terms of Use.

Please review our updated terms carefully. By continuing to use our website, you agree to the updated terms. If you have any questions, please contact us here.

Posted in FRED Announcements

FRED Adds New Visa Data

FRED has added 6 data series for the Visa Spending Momentum Index (SMI).

The SMI is a monthly measure of changes in consumer credit and debit card spending. Reported by Visa, the index is calculated from a sample of current depersonalized transaction data collected from its own payments network. An SMI value of 100 indicates consumer spending is increasing at a pace similar to its long-term trend. SMI values above 100 indicate faster consumer spending and values below 100 indicate slower consumer spending. More details are available here.

Posted in FRED Announcements

FRED Will Remove Wilshire Index Data on June 3, 2024

On June 3, 2024, FRED will remove all Wilshire Index data. The removed data will no longer be available through the FRED database, Excel add-in, mobile applications, APIs, or any other FRED-related service.

Custom links to these series or custom graphs that contain these series may be broken or may return unexpected results. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope you continue to find value in our free data services.

Contact index.access@wilshire.com for questions related to Wilshire Index data that are no longer offered through FRED.

Wilshire® and Wilshire 5000® are registered trademarks owned by Wilshire Advisors LLC and are used under license.

Posted in FRED Announcements

FRED & DDP Partnership

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the Federal Reserve Board are working together to expand options for finding, accessing, and visualizing data from the Board’s Data Download Program (DDP): All releases available through the DDP are now accessible within Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED). DDP users will still be able to access the Board’s existing DDP service, including the ability to download preformatted release packages or customized subsets of releases.

The Board and the FRED Team are working to expedite the availability of DDP releases in FRED and enhance this data service to better meet the needs of the public. New capabilities and enhancements in FRED include the following:

  • a new Board DDP data landing page in FRED
  • keyword search functionality to find DDP and related data
  • graphs and maps that can be tailored by units, frequency, and color
  • personalized dashboards that can be used to update and share graphs
  • access to vintage versions of economic data as they were featured on historic dates
  • application programming interface (API) for programmers to build applications that source data from FRED
  • Microsoft Excel add-in for instant data updates
  • applications available for iOS and Android devices

FRED launched in 1991 and now includes over 300 macroeconomic-related data releases from a variety of source providers. FRED continues to expand its data offerings to serve its users, which include policymakers, students, business professionals, and others interested in economic data.

For questions on DDP data, please continue to contact the Board via the data source in the Economic Data drop-down menu of Contact us.

For questions on FRED functionality, please contact FRED.

Posted in FRED Announcements