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FRED Expands Overnight AMERIBOR Unsecured Interest Rates with Derived Rates

FRED has added 2 additional series: the AMERIBOR® Term-30 and Term-90 derived interest rate indexes from the American Financial Exchange (AFX).

AMERIBOR® (American Interbank Offered Rate) is a transparent benchmark interest rate based on overnight unsecured loans transacted on the American Financial Exchange (AFX). The AMERIBOR® Term-30 and Term-90 indexes are designed to capture wholesale funding costs for American financial institutions over a 30-day and 90-day period, respectively, at a specific moment in time. These forward-looking short-term interest rates are calculated using a broad dataset of real-world primary issuances of wholesale commercial deposits and commercial paper of U.S.-domiciled financial institutions of every size. These indexes are also designed to be a transparent and representative short-term LIBOR alternative.

Posted in FRED Announcements