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Senator Robert L. Owen was a creator of the Federal Reserve Act, and FRASER has his papers.
Review offers analysis on unemployment duration, deriving Nowcasts from news, business partnerships, and optimal tax policy.
Read about the effects of foreclosures, China’s savvy government, a Taylor rule for public debt, and policy for oil exporters.
From Economic Synopses: Decreased labor force + increased elderly population = slower economic growth?
Economic Synopses reveals the weekly cycle of Midwestern gas prices.
From Economic Synopses: Death rates declined in the 20th century for most countries. But not for Russia.
From Economic Synopses: Tighter lending standards pushed down loan growth during the 2007-09 recession.
FRED has just added 1,143 world development indicators from the World Bank. These annual, country-level series include the youth unemployment rate, age dependency ratio, crude birth rate, population growth, adolescent fertility rate, and the employment-population ratio.
See the latest issue of Review for some historical detective work on the politics and economics behind Missouri’s two Federal Reserve Banks.