FRED has just expanded its coverage of the Producer Price Index (PPI) release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This addition of 10,638 series completes the commodity PPI, the industry PPI, and the final demand PPI datasets.
Instructors at New York University’s Stern School of Business (fans of FRED) created these clear and concise video tutorials to teach their own students how to use FRED in their coursework. Each tutorial, from 3 to 9 minutes long, also … Continue reading
FRED has added 40 annual income series published by the U.S. Census. These include a combination of real and nominal, mean and median, and personal and family income data at the Census region and national levels.
FRED has just added 1,523 more world development indicators from the World Bank. These annual, country-level series include the ratio of female-to-male enrollment (primary, secondary, and tertiary schools), secure internet servers, mobile cellular subscriptions, GINI index, and population (ages 0 … Continue reading
FRED now offers the option to “draw” a straight line (from one data point to another) in your graphs. For more information, see the latest FRED FAQ.
FRED has added 31 monthly series related to air carrier enplanements, passenger miles, rail freight carloads, and other valuable transportation indicators from the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics.
FRED has added Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) data for benefits recipients. These data come from the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates release from the U.S. Census, including both state-level (102) and county-level (3,149) series.
FRED has added two daily inflation series for the U.S. and Argentina constructed from prices posted on public retail websites. These series are provided by State Street and PriceStats.
FRED has added 1,857 series to its Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization (G.17) dataset from the Board of Governors. The new monthly and quarterly series include industrial production and the related capacity indexes and capacity utilization rates.
FRED has added 9 series from the CPI-E release, an experimental price index for Americans 62 years of age and older calculated by the BLS. NOTE: Users should consider the limitations of this experimental index, which are noted on the … Continue reading