These 675 international series are national accounts data from forty countries. The series include gross domestic product data, consumption expenditures, capital formation, imports, and exports— all from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Main Economic Indicators database.
These 57 productivity and costs series are from various sectors: business, nonfarm business, manufacturing, durable manufacturing, nondurable manufacturing, and nonfinancial corporate.
These 44 petroleum spot price series include daily, weekly, monthly, and annual frequencies for crude oil, conventional gasoline, reformulated gasoline, heating oil, diesel fuel, kerosene, and propane.
The 21 new corporate bond series include 15 effective yields and 6 option adjusted spreads for various terms to maturity. These new series are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s US Corporate Master and High Yield Master II indexes.
These 9 daily Option-Adjusted Spreads (OASs) from Bank of America Merrill Lynch are the calculated spreads between a computed OAS index of all corporate bonds in a given rating category and a spot Treasury curve based on corporate bonds weighted … Continue reading
The 745 new employment series depict monthly estimates of employment, hours, and earnings in various industries based on the Establishment Payroll Survey conducted by the BLS.
In FRED, the New Residential Construction release now includes data for the United States and its Census regions on housing starts and housing units completed, under construction, and authorized.
Twenty-four interest rate swap series with maturities ranging from 1 to 30 years and nine Eurodollar deposit rate series with maturities of 1, 3, and 6 months have been added to FRED. Also, two state and local government bond rate series with … Continue reading
Eleven unemployment rate series from the Employment Situation release have been added to FRED. These series include alternative measures of labor underutilization (U1-U6).
The ADP National Employment Report uses aggregated and anonymous ADP payroll data to construct estimates of nonfarm private employment in the United States by selected industry sector and size.