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FRED-MD Has Been Updated

The FRED monthly database for macroeconomic research (FRED-MD) now includes the September 2015 vintage. This database, designed for the empirical analysis of “big data,” is described in detail in a St. Louis Fed working paper by Michael W. McCracken and Serena Ng.

Posted in FRED Announcements, Top Story 3

In the Review: Three Articles on Monetary Policy

The latest issue of Review covers monetary policy from three directions: fear of “liftoff,” the role of exchange rate rules, and a model of policy before and after the Great Recession.

Posted in Publications Announcements, Research Announcements, Research Announcements On FRED, Top Story 1

FRED Adds Health Care Spending Data

FRED has just added 222 annual series on health care spending. These series, categorized by disease and by provider, are published by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis under the Health Care Satellite Account program.

Posted in FRED Announcements, Research Announcements, Top Story 4

FRED Adds Quarterly Wage Data

FRED has just added 774 series on total quarterly wages for all U.S. metropolitan statistical areas. These series are published by the U.S. Department of Labor under the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages program.

Posted in FRED Announcements, Research Announcements, Top Story 5

WSJ Covers St. Louis Fed Research on Monetary Policy

A recent Wall Street Journal editorial cites the research of Steve Williamson, economist and VP here at the St. Louis Fed. The essay, forthcoming in the Journal of Economic Literature, examines the efficacy of monetary policy (e.g., QE) in response to financial crises.

Posted in Research Announcements, Research Announcements On FRED, Top Story 1

U.S. Households: Slower To Add Debt, Not Faster To Pay It Off

This Economic Synopses essay shows that slower “credit creation” and not faster “credit destruction” is behind the recent evolution of U.S. household debt.

Posted in Publications Announcements, Research Announcements, Research Announcements On FRED, Top Story 3

Solvency Crisis Management

This Economic Synopses essay describes the likely debt crisis scenarios for Greece.

Posted in Research Announcements, Research Announcements On FRED, Top Story 1

Solvency Crisis Management


This Economic Synopses essay describes the likely debt crisis scenarios for Greece.

Posted in Research Announcements

FRED Adds Export Data

FRED has added 20,790 annual series from the U.S. Bureau of the Census that cover the number of exporters by U.S state of origin and country they export to, as well as the value of those exports.

Posted in FRED Announcements, Research Announcements, Top Story 5

FRED-MD Has Been Updated

The FRED monthly database for macroeconomic research (FRED-MD) now includes the August 2015 vintage. This database, designed for the empirical analysis of “big data,” is described in detail in a St. Louis Fed working paper by Michael W. McCracken and Serena Ng.

Posted in FRED Announcements, Research Announcements, Top Story 4