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History of the Financial Crisis

Revisit the Financial Crisis of 2007-09 with this timeline of key discussions and actions to mitigate the long-term economic impact of the Crisis.

Posted in Research Announcements, Top Story 1

FRED Adds 6 Overnight Bank Funding Series

FRED has added 6 new series of daily overnight bank funding data from the New York Fed.

The overnight bank funding rate (OBFR) is calculated as the volume-weighted median of overnight federal funds transactions and Eurodollar transactions. The volume-weighted median is the rate associated with transactions at the 50th percentile of transaction volume. Overnight bank funding volume and selected other percentiles are also available.

Posted in FRED Announcements, Research Announcements, Top Story 1

FRED Adds 272 Texas Manufacturing Series

FRED has added 272 monthly series from the Dallas Fed’s Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey. The headline series cover respondents’ outlook on general business activity and on their own companies.

Posted in FRED Announcements, Research Announcements, Top Story 1

FRED Adds 2 Recession Series

FRED has added two quarterly GDP-based recession indicators produced by James Hamilton. The first is the GDP-based recession indicator index, which measures the probability of U.S. recession. The second series is a set of dates of U.S. recessions as inferred by the GDP-based recession indicator.

Posted in FRED Announcements, Research Announcements, Top Story 1

FRED Adds 3 Series on Economic Uncertainty

FRED has just added 3 monthly series that estimate the level of economic uncertainty, as revealed in newspapers, for Japan, South Korea, and Russia. The source of these series is Economic Policy Uncertainty.

Posted in FRED Announcements, Research Announcements, Top Story 1

Making Sense of Unemployment Data

Employed, unemployed, discouraged? In or out of the labor force? Frictional, structural, cyclical? Page One Economics provides the answers.

Posted in Publications Announcements, Research Announcements, Top Story 4

The Great Recession Brought Tighter Lending Standards

From Economic Synopses: Tighter lending standards pushed down loan growth during the 2007-09 recession.

Posted in Publications Announcements, Research Announcements, Research Announcements On FRED, Top Story 3

FRED Adds 10 Business Conditions Series

FRED has just added 10 diffusion indexes from the Survey of Business Conditions from the Chicago Fed. These indexes are constructed from quantitative questions related to capital spending, hiring, business activity, and expectations in the Chicago Fed’s District. These results contribute to the production of the Beige Book.

Posted in FRED Announcements, Research Announcements, Top Story 5

FRED Adds 21 FOMC Series

FRED has just added 21 series from the Summary of Economic Projections published by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). These annual projection series relate to the federal funds rate and median forecast values for the federal funds rate, real GDP, PCE inflation rate, PCE core inflation rate, and the unemployment rate.

Posted in FRED Announcements, Research Announcements, Top Story 4

ALFRED and FRED: Closer Than Ever

In a display of brotherly love and/or sibling rivalry, ALFRED has embraced the same interface as his younger brother FRED. Now, if you know how to use FRED to visualize and download the latest data, you know how to use ALFRED to visualize specific vintages of those data. For example, you can quickly build this graph in ALFRED to see revisions to Total Nonfarm Payrolls.


Posted in FRED Announcements, Research Announcements