FRED has added 609 quarterly series published by the BEA for the first time. These series track gross output, value added, and intermediate inputs for 22 industry sectors.
These 90 monthly series published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics track net changes in employment status by gender and for three categories of persons: the employed, unemployed, and nonparticipants (that is, those not in the labor force). These series, … Continue reading
FRED has added 42 series from the Summary of Economic Projections. The FOMC makes these projections four times per year for the real GDP growth rate, personal consumption expenditures (PCE) inflation, core PCE inflation, and the unemployment rate. These projections … Continue reading
FRED has added 322 quarterly and annual series published by the BEA after a comprehensive restructuring of the international economic accounts, which has affected the presentation of the U.S. International Transactions release.
Our second-quarter Review includes “FRED®, the St. Louis Fed’s Force of Data,” which traces the St. Louis Fed’s leadership and misson in providing economic data for the public.
FRED has just added 70 monthly series from the Midwest Economy Index from the Chicago Fed, including these two headline series: The Chicago Fed Midwest Economy Index measures Midwest nonfarm business activity growth, and the Chicago Fed Relative Midwest Economy … Continue reading
FRED has just added 70 monthly series from the Midwest Economy Index from the Chicago Fed, including these two headline series: The Chicago Fed Midwest Economy Index measures Midwest nonfarm business activity growth, and the Chicago Fed Relative Midwest Economy … Continue reading
On June 18 and 30, respectively, the BEA and US Census Bureau will make significant changes to the way international transaction accounts (ITAs) and the international investment position (IIP) are presented. For further information, please see the BEA’s explanation of … Continue reading
These 18 monthly series published by the BEA and US Census Bureau represent US exports and imports in nine services categories. These new categories are a result of the comprehensive restructuring of the international economic accounts, which has affected the … Continue reading
These 5,685 quarterly series published by the Bank for International Settlements represent issuing activity in international and domestic securities markets.